Focus on corporate environmental balance sheets: measuring and reducing CO2 emissions


The EU has set ambitious climate targets to combat climate change. The European Climate Law raises the emissions reduction target for 2030 from 40 per cent to at least 55 per cent in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

The European Green Deal is the EU's roadmap to climate neutrality. In order to realise this goal, the European Union has developed the β€˜Fit for 55 by 2030’ legislative package. It includes revised laws and new legislative proposals on the topics of climate and energy, which are closely interlinked.


The measurement and reduction of CO2 emissions in companies is becoming increasingly important as the pressure on companies to quantify, monitor and transparently present their environmental impact grows. A possible future legal obligation to visualise corporate emissions will require companies to take a closer look at their environmental footprint. It will be crucial not only to collect data, but also to present it in a clear and understandable way in order to achieve sustainability goals and inform external stakeholders. This is an important step in achieving the common goals of the Green Deal.

Rosenberger Telematics offers its customers the option of performing CO2 calculations in the COMMANDER telematics software. The company is working hard to further expand this function in order to provide its customers with an even better overview.

In this context, Paul Selhofer, BA student of Supply Chain Management at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Steyr, has intensively analysed the topic as part of his master's thesis. Together with Rosenberger Telematics, he determined the requirements for a dashboard to visualise Scope 1 emissions. We would like to thank Paul for his outstanding work!

Especially in times when sustainability and environmental protection are becoming increasingly important, it is essential to find new ways to reduce emissions and utilise resources more efficiently. The work of Paul Selhofer, BA, shows how we can make a valuable contribution to achieving these goals by using modern technologies such as telematics.

If you are also interested in innovative solutions to minimise environmental impact and optimise processes, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. Together we can actively work towards a greener future!

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Autor: Yvonne Wagner
Rosenberger Telematics, Marketing & PR 

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